Colour by 2d shape:
Six pictures for learners to show off their ability to name 2d shapes!
Can also be used for #colour identification and #1:1correspondence practice.
Suitable for both #EYFS, #SEND and #EAL learners
Shapes included are:
Also available as part of a broader 2d shape work packet
Maths resources available in my store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Subtraction within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Three matching and naming activities for learners to show off their ability to make #numberbonds to 10
•Cut and stick shapes to make 10
•Link number sentences to pictoral representations
•Make number sentences to equal 10
A full page of Numicon shapes to cut and stick allowing you to evidence the learning of your class!
Use them for:
Number bond recall
Maths centers
Home learning
TOP TIP – print 2 to a page to save printing costs!
Also available in Store:
Making sets of 3-10 Bundle
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Subtraction within 10 using Numicon numberline
Number sense mastery worksheet for the number 10
Worksheet to aid number sense by asking children to make sets of 10 (by deleting/adding objects to groups).
Also Individually Available:
Make sets of 3
Make sets of 4
Make sets of 5
Make sets of 6
Make sets of 7
Make sets of 8
Make sets of 9
Make sets of 3-10 Bundle
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
A bundle of bestselling Numicon products that include:
Addition within 10 using a Numicon numberline
Subtraction within 10 using a Numicon numberline
show Maths mastery! Find the missing number from the number sentence using the numberline
Number Bonds to 10
Three matching and naming activities for learners to show off their ability to make number bonds to 10
Cut and stick shapes to make 10
Link number sentences to pictorial representations
Make number sentences to equal 10
A full page of Numicon shapes to cut and stick allowing you to evidence the learning of your class!
One full page of Numicon numberlines ready to add your own number sentences.
TOP TIP – print 2 to a page to save printing costs!
Use them for:
Number bond recall
Maths centers
Home learning
Also available individually in store
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Subtraction within 10 using Numicon numberline
A mixture of activities to help learners identify, name and use #2d #shapes.
Colour by 2d shape:
Six pictures for learners to show off their ability to name 2d shapes! Also can be used for #colour (#color) identification and #1:1 correspondence practice.
Shapes included:
Representing and using data - 2 activities:
•Differentiated #Tallying Sheet
•Answering questions about #data
•Creating questions about #data
Seeing shapes in our world:
cut and stick picture matching where the 2d shapes are represented in real world images such as:
hexagon - bee hive
pentagon - envelope
circle - button
diamond - wire fence mesh
square - plate
rectangle - book/magazine
Only want the colour (color) by 2d shape? Buy just these worksheets here
Also available in store
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Subtraction within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Using the real world to help children learn about estimating and checking their answers.
One indoor / classroom set of items to estimate
One outdoor walk set of items to estimate
A blank frame for you to create your own estimate walks.
Use them for:
Math Centers
Home learning
Interactive and outdoor learning
Also available in Store:
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Halves and Doubles within 20 - Spaced theme
Perfect for number recognition and showing an understanding of the value of numbers / number sense between one and twenty.
Start with numbers 1-10 in order, then progress to the challenge sheet which features the numbers 1-10 in a mixed order, then move on to the teen numbers!
Use with stickers / stamps / pens / finger painting to enthuse and engage the children!
Top tip!! - Print 2 to a page to save printing costs.
Colour and Black and White versions included.
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Subtraction within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Halves and Doubles within 20 - Spaced theme
Maths word searches
Multiples of - Mixed Activities for 2s-12s
Number sense mastery worksheet for the number 6
Worksheet to aid number sense by asking children to make sets of 6 (by deleting/adding objects to groups).
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Make sets of 3
Make sets of 4
Make sets of 5
Make sets of 7
Make sets of 8
Make sets of 9
Make sets of 10
Make sets of 3-10 Bundle
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Number sense mastery worksheet for the number 7
Worksheet to aid number sense by asking children to make sets of 7 (by deleting/adding objects to groups).
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Make sets of 3
Make sets of 4
Make sets of 5
Make sets of 6
Make sets of 8
Make sets of 9
Make sets of 10
Make sets of 3-10 Bundle
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Number sense mastery worksheet for the number 9
Worksheet to aid number sense by asking children to make sets of 9 (by deleting/adding objects to groups).
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Make sets of 3
Make sets of 4
Make sets of 5
Make sets of 6
Make sets of 7
Make sets of 8
Make sets of 10
Make sets of 3-10 Bundle
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Number sense mastery worksheet for the numbers ** 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10**
Worksheet to aid number sense by asking children to make sets of each number (by deleting/adding objects to groups).
Also Individually Available:
Make sets of 3
Make sets of 4
Make sets of 5
Make sets of 6
Make sets of 7
Make sets of 8
Make sets of 9
Make sets of 10
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Number sense mastery worksheet for the number 5
Worksheet to aid number sense by asking children to make sets of 5 (by deleting/adding objects to groups).
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Make sets of 3
Make sets of 4
Make sets of 6
Make sets of 7
Make sets of 8
Make sets of 9
Make sets of 10
Make sets of 3-10 Bundle
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Number sense mastery worksheet for the number** 3**
Worksheet to aid number sense by asking children to make sets of 3 (by deleting/adding objects to groups).
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Make sets of 4
Make sets of 5
Make sets of 6
Make sets of 7
Make sets of 8
Make sets of 9
Make sets of 10
Make sets of 3-10 Bundle
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Number sense mastery worksheet for the number 8
Worksheet to aid number sense by asking children to make sets of 8 (by deleting/adding objects to groups).
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Make sets of 3
Make sets of 4
Make sets of 5
Make sets of 6
Make sets of 7
Make sets of 9
Make sets of 10
Make sets of 3-10 Bundle
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Number sense mastery worksheet for the number 4
Worksheet to aid number sense by asking children to make sets of 4 (by deleting/adding objects to groups).
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Make sets of 3
Make sets of 5
Make sets of 6
Make sets of 7
Make sets of 8
Make sets of 9
Make sets of 10
Make sets of 3-10 Bundle
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Halves and Doubles using Planets
Space themed worksheet to aid with learners #pictoral learning about halving and doubling within 20.
Work includes:
Doubles to 10
Doubles to 20
Halves to 10 with investigation into half an odd number
Halves to 20 with investigation into comparing halves and doubles.
Use them for:
Practical halving and doubling using stampers, stickers or dot drawing
An introduction into creating own mathematical investigations
Independent maths/math centers
Home learning
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
#Prepositions: #in, #on, #under and #behind
Simple sentences students can read with instructions of where objects should be drawn, such as on the bench, under the car.
Practice with toys before recording on the sheet for interactive, practical and fun learning!
Recently updated with THREE additional sheets added!!
Also available in my store
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Subtraction within 10 using Numicon numberline
Number sentences for learners to show off their ability to:
Subtract within 10
• show Maths #mastery! Find the missing number from the number sentence using the numberline
Page of just Numicon numberlines to add your own number sentences.
Use them for:
Independent maths work
Maths centers
Home learning
TOP TIP – print 2 to a page to save printing costs!
Numicon numberlines are underneath each question so that children can show working / use to complete simple number problems.
Also available in Store:
Making sets of 3-10 Bundle
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Number sentences for learners to show off their ability to:
•Add within 10
• show Maths mastery! Find the missing number from the number sentence using the numberline
Page of just Numicon numberlines to add your own number sentences.
Use them for:
Independent math work
Maths centers
Home learning
TOP TIP – print 2 to a page to save printing costs!
Numicon numberlines are underneath each question so that children can show working / use to complete simple number problems.
Also available in Store:
Making sets of 3-10 Bundle
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Subtraction within 10 using Numicon numberline
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Designed to be turned into a flip book so children write answers/ working out in boxes behind each number sentence - cut the boxes to the line, so you end up with 5 questions in a column.
Five flipbooks for learners to show off their ability to successfully complete:
1 less than within 5
1 less than 6-10
Subtraction within 10
Subtraction within 20
Subtraction within 20 bridging 10
A blank frame for you to create your own flipbooks.
Use them for:
Maths Centers
Independent work
Lesson recaps/starters
Home learning
Children will love to fill in a special book - it wont seem like work!
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Subtraction within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Halves and Doubles within 20 - Spaced theme
Maths word searches
Multiples of - Mixed Activities for 2s-12s